05 December 2016

How to Collect and Log Web Clickstream Data

How to Collect and Log Web Clickstream Data

Clickstream Data

What is clickstream data?

The path a user takes through a website is generally referred to as the user's clickstream.

Why collect clickstream data?

When aggregated using map-reduce techniques and then using unsupervised machine learning predictive analytics techniques like clustering and association analysis, clickstream data can tell you many things, including

  • how users use your site
  • if there are different behavioral groups within users
  • what marketing works or does not work

Clickstream data can also be used to build recommender systems, perform ROI analysis on marketing (via Shapley values), and improve lead scoring

Client-side collection

Since a lot of the traffic to most websites is bot traffic, it is helpful to collect via client-side script as many bots do not evaluate JavaScript and many legitimate bots (e.g. search-engine spiders) identify themselves as such.

A simple method for collection is to add a <script> tag with an immediately-invoked function expression (IIFE) just before the closing </body> tag. An example of such a script is shown below.

The code above simply creates an image tag in code and assigns a source to it. The assignment of a src value causes the browser to fetch the requested resource.

  • Cache busting
    Since many browsers cache static resources, a random value is added to the URL as a cache buster.
  • Referrer
    For the purposes of clickstream data, it is useful to include the URL of the page that caused the current page to be loaded; this is called the "referrer" and is added to the pixel image URL as a parameter named "dr" (the name is "dr" is used to conform to the parameter names used in the Google Analytics Measurement Protocol.

Server-side ASP.NET MVC Listener

Pixel Endpoint

The code on the server side has three primary responsibilities:

  1. to set/update certain cookie values (explained below),
  2. to log the values, and
  3. to return something that the browser will accept (this response will carry the cookies)


In general, there are four anonymous values that need to be tracked (if your site allows users to log in, it may be useful to add a fifth cookie to allow you to aggregate cross-device behavior). The values to be tracked/collected are:

  • Session ID
    A temporary anonymous identifier that allows you to group together the page view records captured by the end point. The value will be different each time the user visits your site anew but will remain constant while the user is using your site.
  • Sequence #
    A temporary integer value that allows you to order the page view log records. The value will increment as the user navigates the site.
  • Client ID
    A semi-permanent anonymous identifier that allows you to group together multiple sessions from the same browser/client. NOTE: the value is specific to the browser/machine/user combination: a different logged in user on a machine will have a different client ID; if the same user uses multiple browsers (e.g. Chrome and Firefox), each browser will have a unique client ID.
  • Session count
    A semi-permanent anonymous identifier that allows you to analyze how user behavior changes over subsequent visits.

Getting the value of a cookie from the client request

The code for retrieving a cookie value from the client request is fairly straight-forward. One needs to guard against the case where the cookie does not exist.

Incrementing the sequence value

The "seq" cookie is simply a counter. It, along with the time of the request, which is logged, allows the analyst to study how users navigate a site. Along with the previous page, which is passed up as the "dr" parameter, the sequence value is useful for multi-tab browsing scenarios.

Incrementing the session count

A new session will not have a session ID. If this is the case, the session count needs to be incremented. The session count cookie should be semi-permanent.

Setting the client ID

The client ID should be semi-permanent and should only be set if there is not one already set.

Setting the session ID

The session ID is a temporary value. It's value will be cleared when the user closes the browser. Although it may be tempting to define a session timeout period, since any value chosen will be arbitrary, it is important that the data logged be agnostic and that any session timeout adjustments desired be done during analysis.

Setting cookie values

To safeguard the cookie values and the user, it is important that the cookies be set to be HTTP-only (preventing client script and browser plugin/addon tampering), that the cookies be secure (i.e. HTTPS-only – your site should be HTTPS-only).

To make your pixel useful over all of your web assets, it is helpful to set the domain. Suppose you have domain names like the following:

  • www.example.com
  • blog.example.com
  • response.example.com
To have one pixel connect your users over all of these domains, simply set the domain of the cookie to "example.com".

Logging Values

Given the power of Map-Reduce technologies that are available in Hadoop, R, MongoDB, etc., it makes sense to store the initial data in JSON format.

Four additional pieces of information are added to the serialized data.

  • the time,
  • the user agent
    which is useful for distinguishing mobile from desktop sessions,
  • the page calling the pixel end point, and
  • the referring page that caused the page with the pixel code to be loaded

The code for serializing the values follows:

Full code with unit tests

The full source code for this article is available at https://github.com/stand-sure/Clickstream

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